Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Eye of the Whirlwind

Well, Jason (old roomate) is gone, and new roomate (lets just call her "Nickel) is moving in tomorrow...
It's kind of crazy, didn't realize how empty this place was gonna feel in this 24 hours of "living alone" time, it's weird cuz Jason was hardly ever here (haha, you know its true).
Guess maybe its just all the available space around here... feels creepy i dunno, can't wait till Nickel gets here thats for sure

P.S.- Jason if your reading this, you forgot your "Rainy Day Fund" piggy bank... what don't think it rains or Korea or what?? haha jk

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I failed that science test for nothing????

So I guess the science powers that be decided to give pluto the boot from the solar system...
There are a number of people we need to consider with this extreme decision:
1. All the Science text book publishers! now they have go into their text books, change a few words and diagrams and re-print the whole series... whats that gonna cost like a bajillion dollars? Those things ain't cheap
2. All the kids who may have failed a grade 2 science test because they forgot pluto, therefor failing science which made them feel bad about themselves which festered into large self esteem issues, causing them to drop out of highschool and go to live on the streets with the panhandlers and other anonymous vagrants.
4. Probably the most obvious one... Pluto the dog?? from the Disney cartoons?? what about him huh? he has cashed in on the famous name for like most of the past century, what are they gonna do, kick him out of the Disney corporation??
5. George W. Bush, you just know he is gonna get blamed for this one
6. "Ceres", "Charon", and "UB313", as of last week they were up for planets, guess that isn't happening now. Why get their hopes up only to dash them away?
7. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft- It just began a 9.5 year journey to Pluto... what does it do now? turn around and come back?

I'm sure i am forgetting something, but i would like to keep this short, I think the person i feel the most bad about is "Charon" (number 6) which is one of pluto's moons... what happens to the "moons" of a ex-planet... do they become ex-moons?
oh well, for a more "professional" look at the story click here http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060824/pluto_definition_060824/20060824?hub=CTVNewsAt11

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Are C.S.I.'s really big jerkfaces?

Does anyone know any actual Crime Scene Investigators? are they really big jerks?
Let me explain

Now i know the "C.S.I. / other detetive shows" are not realistic, but have you ever noticed whenever they are launching an investigation and they are talking to people (not neccesarily suspects, just people who may have known the victim) they treat them like the lowest form of scum on earth?
Detective 1: Mr. Johnson?
Mr. Johnson: yes how can i help you?
Detective 1: Did you know this guy (holds up picture of butchered victim)
Mr. J: yeah, what happend?
Detective: He's dead! He was drowned in the grease at a local Mcdonald's. Can't you tell from the photo, you big fat dummy head?
Mr. J: hey man, take it easy?
Detective: I will take it easy when i find the killer, you monkey faced sissy man!

well that may be a little exagerrated but you know what i mean!
bah, cop shows, what are ya gonna do?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Funniest thing ever...

dok, that sounds mean cuz this must have really sucked for this guy but i mean come on... its kinda funny...


Cocoa Butter to the rescue yet again...

News ticker can be confusing: Study says...

ok, i know i just finished posting something but i am watching the news and something has caught my attention...

you know that news ticker that goes underneath the top stories or whatever... i really think they need to start elaborating on these things a bit more..

the one that got my attention today is as follows:
"Man trapped waist deep in chocolate for 2 hours"
????? what the crap is that?? is that a mistake? is the ticker guy trying to get fired or something? is he just making things up to see if anyone one is actually reading it?
and if it is true. I think that should be front page news! I mean really? wouldn't you wanna know about this story?? i would!
I'm gonna go see if i can find the story on the internet... i am to intrigued...

Two and a half weeks!

In Two and a half weeks i will be back in school.... this is kind of a scary concept... its been over a year since i have been in school (i know lots of you people are laughing but for me a year is a disaster)

Wonder if i still remember how to read and write?? well i must be able to read if i have a blog... or do I???? haha of course i do... as far as writing goes... that might be a differnt story...

It's only broadcasting school... as long as i can speak english....

:O ah mi palabra que yo no puedo hablar inglés!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Girls are Icky????

So in a couple weeks I am getting a new roomate, said roomate is kinda wild, crazy, and fun in the same way that I am... but here's the kicker... IT'S A GIRL!!
I have never lived with a girl (except my mom but that doesn't count).. can anyone tell me what to expect? Do i have to fear for my life once a month... do i have to screen her phonecalls from jerkface losers? Will there be many nights where we sit around and watch chickflicks and cry all night? (and yes i know this future roomate reads this blog you can comment too)

haha, i am just messing with you Nickel, its gonna be fun

but seriously can anyone help me?????

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Always remain cautiously optimistic... or pessimistic... as the case may be

So gas has gone down to 117 or 116 depending on where you are and this can only mean one thing....

Gas is gonna sky rocket within the next week! they always lure everyone into this nice sense of security... (oh gas is going down thats sweet) Then your blindsided by $1.30 $1.40/L

remember... you heard it hear first

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

my westjet hyundai excel 747

So awhile back i took a shortcut to a friends wedding (which i found out later wasn't even that short of a cut) and the road was pretty bad... i was dodging potholes and doing the whole dance for about 20 km... and apparently on one of those potholes disguised as miniature ramps, i broke something (pipe fitting or something? i don't know car parts) and for the next couple months my car started sounding more and more like harley davidson/747 airplane then a 91' Hyundai Excel.
So i took it to be fixed today and an arm and a leg later i picked it up from the muffler place and it runs like a dream! I had no idea my car could sound (or not sound) like that!

I just wanna drive it everywhere now, and i probably would if the gas giants weren't a bunch of GREEDY LITTLE MONKEY MEN... but thats another post for another time...

Family Reunions A.K.A. the last place anyone wants to be

So i had a family reunion this weekend... was interesting i guess. Over 100 people were there, i knew probably 15-20 at the very most...
so yeah, as you can guess it was full of all the awkward "I have no idea who you are but you seem to know me so i am gonna keep acint like i know you" moments...

One thing you have to love about these family reunions are the way certain people pretend to like each other even though you know that at least 363 days of the year they don't (the extra day is for christmas or some other holiday). There was one family there that I know everyone had a problem with (with good reason trust me) but they talked and laughed and tolerated. Nobody said anything but they were all thinking the same thing "AHHHHH I HATE YOU!!!!"

but other then that it was a good weekend :P

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bus drivers are just NASCAR racers who never made it

Its amazing how more people have not died riding the bus. These bus drivers are insane, they won't even think twice about cutting you off and/or killing you in the process.
One almost caused a 3 car/van/truck pile up today. I was in the next lane and this bus cuts off a van which causes the van driver to slam on his brakes which causes the next couple vehicles slam on their brakes and yikes... then of course without signaling he cuts me off in the next lane (I saw it coming after just a year in the city i have learned to drive extremly slow around bus drivers, you never know what they will do next.

I love how they have the tiny little yeild sign on the back of the bus saying "thanks for the brake" and has a picture of a car letting a bus in front of it. Of course most times you can't see the sign camouflaged into all the realty and/or radio station advertisments, not that it would matter... jeez, some peoples childern...