Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wolfman Matt

Next time i hear someone say all radio broadcasters do is sit in a room and talk, i am gonna punch them in the face...
It's harder then it looks (or in this case sounds) people! you gotta actually think and write what your gonna say, rehearse it so you dont sound like a complete idiot, plus get the next song ready, cue the levels down, talk over the last song and cue up the next song, etc all on the fly... trust me its harder then it sounds...
not to mention you have to use your vocal rise and fall correctly, i could go on and on... what i am trying to say is its like fly by the seat of your pants fast.
Now i know there are alot of other jobs that are tons and tons harder, but none that pay as poorly as radio broadcasting, well maybe, i mean i have exactly done a ton of research.

P.S.- i am loving school and i can't get enough of it, in case you got the wrong idea haha

Monday, September 18, 2006

Jason doesn't live here anymore

Its been like what couple weeks, a month? has it really been that long already?
I'm sure for others it seems like a lot longer, but Jason doesn't live here anymore....
and that very quickly became apparent when this "new" roomate of mine showed up.
I'll spare the details, just a lot of crazy new things going on at once, 95% good, but i guess its to be expected a few things go awry, but those aren't important.

We went jean shopping the other day (me and the new roomate that is) thats something jason and I never would have done, haha, not that i wouldn't have, just never really came up...
Boys keep coming over and phoning here with that "tone" in their voice... (you know the whole I wanna talk to a hot chick tone, I have called with that tone many many times, so i am not judging or anything) and that definetly NEVER happend when Jason was here...
guess i am just blogging this to post some differnces... but mostly because i am bored.

Jason doesn't live here anymore... AND YET WE KEEP GETTING HIS MAIL!!!
haha jk buddy, but seriously its starting to pile up...

peace out (yeah i say peace out now)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

and now for something completly different

Just a couple songs/poems I whipped up a few minutes ago. I sort of wrote them with a mellow tempo in mind, but you can picture anything you want i suppose. And yes they are Christian songs.

Song #1

Don’t Stop the Rain
Lying here awake
taken all I can take.
hearing her screams
But there’s no help to give
Living through my dreams.
Fighting back these fears
Looking in the mirrors
There is no purity left
No innocence stirs in her depths

What time is this?
Blinded by these mists,
Pushes me away,
God, help me find a way.
If she falls down, I’ll pick her up
Turn her frown, drink from your cup.
I sigh in the darkness
No time to rest
My life’s unkempt
chorus x 2

Song #2

Pick me up

I trust in you, O’ Lord
I long for your unquestioned word
Why can’t I open this door,
Why do I doubt, what my life is for?
The rain pours down
Why do I enjoy it so much
So far from a humans touch…
I need your guidance Father,
Instead of getting up,
I fall farther.
Farther from your truth,
Farther from, your everlasting

The light won’t come in my window
So sick of watching this show
Where is she?
The one I begged you to deliver to me?

There’s more to life then this
This mortal chase for eternal bliss
It doesn’t exist.
Not on our earth
nor’ in their murth


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Does size matter?

Now don't get any sick ideas...
I'm talking about height in realationships.. does it matter if the guy is shorter then the girl?? Certain ppl *cough roomate cough* think the guy can't be shorter then the girl because then it looks weird...
I sure hope this isn't the case with most girls... cuz if it is, i am screwed! i mean I am like 4 feet tall! (not really, but i am sure if your reading this you know me and that i am not a tall guy) my odds just got worse!
But now that i think back to recent and past rejections, it makes sense.. alot of those girls were taller then me... not that i think thats the only reason i was rejected but i mean there were a few where we got along great and all of a sudden she just "wasn't interested in me as a bf"... I am probably reading more into this...

Sorry you can no longer comment on this post, cuz of jerks, oh well... discuss amongst yourselves i guess

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gotta love Mr. Burns

Burns: Look at that pig. Stuffing his face with donuts on my time! That's right, keep eating...Little do you know you're drawing ever closer to the poison donut! [cackles evilly, then stops abruptly] There is a poison one, isn't there Smithers?
Smithers: Err...no, sir. I discussed this with our lawyers and they consider it murder.

Mr.Burns: Quick Smithers. Bring the mind eraser device!
Smithers:You mean the revolver, sir?
Mr.Burns: Precisely.

Mr.Burns: (To Homer)One more thing...You must find the Jade Monkey before the next full moon!
Smithers: Actually sir, we found the jade monkey. It was in your glove compartment.
Mr.Burns: And the road maps, and the driving gloves?!
Smithers: Yes, sir.
Mr.Burns:Then its all falling into place!

Mr. Burns: Woah, slow down there maestro. There's a *New* Mexico?

Mr. Burns: Smithers I'm thinking about donating some money to the orphanage..when pigs fly!(Homer's bbq pig flies past the window)
Smithers: Will you be donating that money now sir?
Mr. Burns: No I still think not

Mr. Burns: I could crush him like an ant. But it would be too easy. No, revenge is a dish best served cold. I'll bide my time until ... Oh, what the hell. I'll just crush him like an ant.

started school...

So i started school on wednesday... it's been pretty fun so far actually, and I think its only gonna get better so I'm pretty excited.
Only bad thing is that sometimes the classes start at 1pm as opposed to 4 pm, so that kinda screws around my work schedule, but Tim's is good, they are willing to work around, simply cuz they love me and I am awesome, haha... but seriously, I rock.

Got some crazy instructors (one looks like Ron Burgandy, and another looks like "La Bamba" from Late night with Conan O'Brien.) but they know what they are doing and based on their track record in the broadcast industry, I don't think there is anyone else I would want to learn from.
One good thing is that I am developing my "radio voice" or whatever, so if anyone needs an answering machine message recorded... I'm the guy to call...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where's my gun!

Well its been a few days now, and I am sure your wondering "Matt! why haven't you blogged about your new roomate yet??" (the 3 or 4 people who actually read my blog)
well here i go...
It's been pretty fun actually, Nickel is pretty sweet, she cooks, she cleans, she washes dishes...and I do too! don't go thinking i am a big jerk now... I help... just last night i made french fries and sidekicks for supper...
We have had a couple "boy" incidents already, i won't go into details but lets just say some guys are psychotic in what they will do just to talk to a pretty girl. But on the bright side i got to be a big jerkface too and hangup on a guy she didn't want to talk too (Trust me, there was a VERY good reason). The wanting to buy a baseball bat, semi-automatic rifle and/or hand grenade and leave it by the front door has grown exponetially.

We picked up a computer desk, a mattress, couple other things (If you have ever been to this condo and you come again, you will not recognize it) and we finally have everything getting setteled.
Now school starts on tuesday... a whole new adventure!

P.S.- Jason! I ACTUALLY CHANGED THE NAME ON OUR MAILBOX AND BUZZER BOX!!! don't worry, i will send pictures of it

Friday, September 01, 2006

Shopping with girls...

Now i have shopped with girls lots before, I am used to it, no big deal, i wander around the girls section of wal-mart all day long and have the girl not buy a single thing, doesn't really bother me.
Yesterday i went shopping with a couple of blondes and here is what happend,
at the HMV, which is a store i go into alot, one guy asked us we needed help about 3 times, and another guy asked us if we needed help twice. Here's the kicker, we were only there for about 5 minutes...
When we went into a couple of clothing stores, where i normally get attacked by the sales people asking if i need help (apparently i look like a lost puppy dog in a clothing store, and/or they feel i need all the help i can get). Nobody asked me anything (not that this its a bad thing I am just saying)

I don't really know what i am getting at but this is a pattern i have noticed... if anyone knows what i am talking about or what i am trying to say, please tell me, cuz i have no idea