Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On cloud, not 9, not 10 but cloud 11

So I got the job in Kindersley!

I shall be starting a career on monday january 29th at Mix 104.9 in Kindersley, SK

I believe i will be doing the late morning to mid afternoon news (like 9am to 5pm) as well as voice tracking (recording dj shows for the weekends)

I was worried about finding a place to live in kindersley because of the whole "No apartments for rent anywhere in the town because of the new Wal-Mart bringing employees in and renting all the apartments cuz they are big jerks" thing but I was lucky enough to find a place, its kind of a mess right now, its an old building so the floor kinda slants a bit, and the guy who was in there before me got evicted cuz he didn't pay rent so he left a big mess for me and the landlord to clean (no i didn't have to clean it out, i just did)

Neways, i am moving this saturday to the big town of Kindersley and starting work... can't wait its gonna be sweet

oh and jason yes i did figure out the double windsor

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Got my shoes shined up, my suit all clean...

Well, tomorrow is the big day... got an interview in Rosetown at 2 o'clock Monday January 22nd, I think for a job in Kindersley (i don't have the energy to explain why the interview is in rosetown or why i don't know what the job is for or if it really is a job and not just an internship, regardless thats where it is)

If I were to get this job, it would mean i have my foot in the door of a career, for the first time since moving away from home in spring 2005 i think i would feel a sense of security and I think it would be the funnest job ever... needless to say, I really really really really X 5 want the job...

So yeah... I'll keep whoever reads this thing posted on whats going down...

Wish me luck

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Naive Matt

So i must be pretty naive or i just never really thought about it before, but heres the apparent story going on in some "christian homes"

If your christian son or daughter dates a non-christian boy or girl you are supposed to disown them, and if they get pregnant or get somone else pregnant, you are supposed to cast them into the street to fend for themselves, something about that seems off to me

Now granted their is no real reason for them to have gotten pregnant, but ok, children are immpresionable and if their parents are gonna do this to them, they clearly are not good parents (I'm sorry but thats just the way i was raised i guess)

Now i am not saying this blog from personal experience, nor do i know someone who is going through this right now, i know people who know people who this is happening to... could anybody elaborate for me?

Monday, January 15, 2007

The waiting is the hardest part

Not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore, i have been really busy these days, not much time to do this in, in fact i should be studying or doing one of the thousands i have to do by friday but neways.

I'd just like to say, the waiting game sux, I am moving from Saskatoon in 2 weeks, but heres the kicker, i don't know where i am moving yet. I have to wait and see if Melfort will take me as an intern, and if that doesn't work out, maybe PA... and if all else fails, Whitecourt, Alberta... don't know where that is? me either, apparently its an hour west of Edmonton, and no i don't want to go there, the rent would be astronomical, not to mention the car insurance, but now i will continue to play the waiting game... if i don't know by the end of this week, I will be officially freaking out about this... but until then

ta ta for now