I recently drove home to "the bay" as we like to call it, and the other highway drivers drove like sane human beings for most of the way, with a couple exceptions.
i was driving a little fast (yes i was speeding, i am a rebel, i know) so i decided to pass someone who was actually doing the speed limit (who does that these days?) neways, some crazy person behind me decide to pass when i did, so i thought ok, he will just pull in behind me when i get passed this person right? WRONG, he decides to pass me at the same time. Did i mention there was another car on a collision course? neways, he dodged disaster and the inevitable three or four car pile-up and i thought what the crap is wrong with this guy... then it allll made sense, as soon as i seen the "Alberta" license plate.
The point i am trying to make here is two fold, 1-Alberta drivers are insane and 2- every time i have encountered a crazy driver on the highway (and a couple times in the city) ALBERTA LICENSE PLATES
maybe its not the drivers at all, its just something about that license plate that makes the driver act like a maniac and try to cause accidents... whose to say i guess