Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Monday, July 24, 2006

would you like to upsize your bathtub of popcorn?

So i recently went to a movie at the movie theater (go figure) and i decided to buy some popcorn. Now i rarely ever get popcorn at the movie theatre and i forgot why... so i decided to try it out.
I went with the "normal" size... assuming it was "normal" in size...well i could barely get my freakin arms around the bag it was so huge... i would hate to see a large... guess you get what you pay for...


At 2:09 PM, Blogger Kathy's Clown said...

by chance is this the Matt who has been living with Jason (of I heart my opinion fame)? Because if you're the same guy, I'm Heather's brother and I'm looking for a roommate:) haha, I realize this is probably odd but I haven't been able to pass the message onto you through Jason:p So if you are looking for a place still you can try me at: holyrecklessdrivingbatman@hotmail.com


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