Where's my gun!
Well its been a few days now, and I am sure your wondering "Matt! why haven't you blogged about your new roomate yet??" (the 3 or 4 people who actually read my blog)
well here i go...
It's been pretty fun actually, Nickel is pretty sweet, she cooks, she cleans, she washes dishes...and I do too! don't go thinking i am a big jerk now... I help... just last night i made french fries and sidekicks for supper...
We have had a couple "boy" incidents already, i won't go into details but lets just say some guys are psychotic in what they will do just to talk to a pretty girl. But on the bright side i got to be a big jerkface too and hangup on a guy she didn't want to talk too (Trust me, there was a VERY good reason). The wanting to buy a baseball bat, semi-automatic rifle and/or hand grenade and leave it by the front door has grown exponetially.
We picked up a computer desk, a mattress, couple other things (If you have ever been to this condo and you come again, you will not recognize it) and we finally have everything getting setteled.
Now school starts on tuesday... a whole new adventure!
P.S.- Jason! I ACTUALLY CHANGED THE NAME ON OUR MAILBOX AND BUZZER BOX!!! don't worry, i will send pictures of it
you keep on saying you will send pictures....but I dont' believe you.
check your mailbox silly
kamsa hamnida
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