Life according to Matt
So I haven't posted in awhile, just thought i would throw a new one out there. Not a heck of alot new going on in with me.
I am doing well in school and I don't want to jinx it or anything but i think there is a good chance i might get a news job in the near future. I am more partial to doing DJ shows, but I kinda just want to get out there, I'll do anything, as long as i am out there, other doors will open I am sure.
I'm hoping for a Melfort job, simply because its closer to home and they have a nice studio there and I hear they are a good bunch of people to work with. My instructors tell me Bill Wood is really helpful and patient with new ppl.
I have been winning over my classmates with my differnt impersonations during our TV studio time... Arnold Shwarzennger, Tom Cruise, and not to mention an egotistical deep voiced Vic Dubois are several of my re-curring characters... feel like I am on SNL doing all these characters over and over. haha but its fun.
I've been pretty stressed out between school, work and a few other things going on around here, but I think i am handling it fairly well. I am starting to re-attend church regularly, been away for far too long, I think my excuse was that I didn't have time, but I really do. It's obviously something I need to make time for.
but neways, i have rambled on long enough till next time
That's coffee talk, I'm Matt Litton (if you have heard Vic Dubouis's show, you would find that hilarious trust me)