Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Hot Topic

I would like to take a moment and touch on a hot topic, well its a hot topic in my life right now anyway.... I apoligize if I offend anyone.

The issue i would like to present is pre-marital sex. Right now, i feel like i am the only one in the world who believes it to be wrong. Everyone around me( and by around me i mean people i see every day) is all for it. Even some of the christians, which to me makes no sense what so ever, but thats all I'm gonna say about that.
The main thing i want to know is why? Why is it such a big deal? I just want to try and understand what the big deal is, and i keep getting the same answers "it feels good" "it helps to strengthen the realationship" which to me, and this is just me talking, sounds like the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard. Those are just excuses people use to get their jollies and then justify it to themselves.
I can never discuss the issue with anyone, because i get the same old "you don't understand" "Don't diss it till you try it" bull crap from everyone. Or they lock themselves into the same narrow minded "it feels good, and there is nothing wrong with that, so stop judging me" view. And they don't understand i am not judging anyone, I am just trying to understand the reason why.
I'm a pretty passive aggresive debater so that doesn't help in these "discussions" I've been having.
Just as a side note, I have been dumped 3 times now because i wouldn't have sex with the last gf, so i guess i am a little jaded on the subject, and yes they knew going in i wouldn't have sex with them, 2 of them i thought were on the same page as me.
Please comment on the issue, and if you can help me understand this that would be awesome...


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Sex, is a beautiful intimate thing created by God. Yes, it does feel good, in fact great. Sex is the most intimate you can get with someone, and because of that you give a piece of yourself to that person. So a person who has slept around has given a piece of their most intimate part to others; leaving less for the next person. Sex does not strengthen a relationship; infact sex like all other parts of a relationship takes work and sex will create another part of a relationship to work out. God created sex as a beautiful thing for two people brought together under Him to delight in. Speaking as someone who waited until marriage to have sex; it was worth the wait. It was wonderful to know my wife saved herself for me alone. And it was a beautiful gift to give my wife.
Stay on course Matt; there is no regret to anyone who waits. The only regret can be found in those who realize too late that they should have saved themselves.
A lot of sin is pleasurable at the moment but brings heartache later.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Half n' Half said...

Hey Matt, Hertz here, I agree with you and with Adam about premarital sex not being worth ruining a future marriage relationship. Hang in there Buddy - God loves to here men like yourself passionate about living purely. It's something we need to rise up and really fight for- not feel ashamed about (living purely). God's been putting this whole topic on my heart more and more lately. The time is here to no longer be pushed around about what the world says is right and wrong about purity and time to cling to what God says about purity.

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Matt said...

thanks guys


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