Random Rambles of a Radio guy

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sometimes, truth is Stranger than fiction

It comes pretty close to being my favorite movie, #2 for sure with potential to be #1, it's called "Stranger Than Fiction."

On the surface the movie is about a man who hears a woman narrating his life to him and he is forced to deal with it. But my person interpretation is its about a man who mostly just keeps to himself, doesn't personally bother anybody who throughout the course of the movie is forced to come to terms with his life, and gallantly face the inevitable.

What I am trying to say is it is a really good movie and I highly recomend it (it's on dvd right now).

Maybe you won't like it, and that's cool, this type of movie doesn't do it for everyone.

Will Ferrell does an amazing dramatic acting job and throws some comedy in there for good measure, after all this is the funniest man on earth we are talking about...

Maybe I like it so much because I feel like Harold Crick sometimes, and it shows hope, haha

But yeah like I said definetly worth checking out, even for the casual movie go'er.

P.S.- My favorite movie of all time at this point in time is "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" in case you were wondering


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